
Capture Winter’s Beauty: 3 Tips for Stunning Textural and Landscape Photos

Winter brings a unique and captivating beauty to the world, with its crisp air, sparkling snow, and fascinating textures. In this article, I will share with you three tips that will help you to take stunning textural and landscape photos of winter’s beauty. These tips will give you the tools you need to make the most of your winter photo shoots!

Overcast days naturally creates a soft and diffused lighting.
Picture taken with my Sony a9 + Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 54mm, 1/320sec, f/6.3, ISO 500

Tip 1 : Experiment with lighting

Experimenting with lighting is key to capturing stunning winter textural and landscape photos.

Harsh light (direct sunlight and reflection on the snow) will create deep shadows and strong contrast. Side lighting and backlighting are great options in these conditions.

Softer light (early morning, late afternoon and overcast days) will create a smoother and more diffused effect. Shooting with the sun behind you (front lighting) will help to illuminate the textures in your subject.

Experimenting with different lighting conditions will give you unique and creative results that set your winter photos apart!

A beautiful contrasting background will instantly enhance your subject.
Picture taken with my Sony a9 + Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 50mm, 1/500sec, f/6.3, ISO 640

Tip 2 : Pay attention to the background

The background of your photo can make or break the shot. Make sure to choose a background that complements your subject and enhances the overall composition of the photo.

A cluttered or distracting background can detract from the beauty of your subject, while a well-chosen background can bring out its unique qualities. When selecting a background, consider the colour, texture, and patterns.

If possible, choose a background that provides a contrasting backdrop to your subject, such as a bright white snow against a dark tree line. Additionally, consider the angle and perspective from which you are shooting, as changing your viewpoint can often result in a more interesting and compelling background.

A tripod has been useful to capture this frozen river using a long exposure.
Picture taken with my Sony a9 + Tamron 50-400mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 50mm, 1/6sec, f/22, ISO 100

Tip 3 : Use the right gear

Having the right gear is essential for capturing stunning textural and landscape photos in winter.

A tripod will keep your camera steady and reduce blurriness in low light conditions, allowing you to capture sharp, detailed shots.

A polarizing filter will help you to reduce glare and enhance the colours and textures in your photos. When shooting in winter, it’s also important to protect your gear from the elements.

Make sure to invest in a weather-resistant camera bag and consider using a camera rain cover if necessary.

It’s also important to keep your batteries warm, as cold temperatures can reduce battery life and cause performance issues.

Additionally, having extra memory cards and a backup camera can give you peace of mind and ensure that you don’t miss any photo opportunities.

Winter wonderland

 Winter is a magical time for photography and capturing the beauty of textures and landscapes.

By experimenting with lighting, paying attention to the background, and using the right gear, you’ll be able to take stunning photos that showcase the best of winter’s beauty. Don’t be afraid to step out and start exploring! And remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of capturing these special moments. Get dressed and happy shooting!

About the Author – Michèle Grenier

Michele Grenier

Michèle is a full-time sports photographer and photo coach based in Quebec City. She shares her experience through articles, training seminars and videos.

You can find Michèle on her YouTube Channel and her website.


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