Post Tagged with: "birds"

adult King Penguin

Reviewing Old Image Files During a Pandemic

Adult King Penguin – Stationed at the perimeter’s edge of a penguin colony, this adult King Penguin came out of the rookery and posed for this candid portrait.  Aside from health concerns, my biggest frustration with the current pandemic is its negative effect on tourism. As a nature tour guide, […]

Male House Finch

Lockdown Practice

In a normal year I am predominantly a sports photographer who also dabbles in various other genres.  However, in 2020, most of the events I normally cover (motorsport, tennis, obstacle course racing etc.) either came to a halt or ran with extremely limited attendance by photographers.  Street photography was also […]

Bohemian Waxwing

Photographing Winter Birds

Photographers have much to celebrate here in Canada. We bask in the beauty of four distinctive seasons, each with different photographic opportunities. Even with winter’s short days, treacherous ice and uncomfortable temperatures, Canada remains a wonderland, especially for nature photographers. Bohemian Waxwing – a berry and fruit specialist, when they come […]

Wayne Lynch - The Pantanal - Brazil's Wildlife Paradise - Toco Toucan

The Pantanal – Brazil's Wildlife Paradise

In 1913, after two terms as the president of the United States, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, an avid hunter, explorer, and naturalist, decided to take on the most dangerous adventure of his life – to explore and map the course of the Rio da Duvida (River of Doubt) through the Pantanal […]